Cinematic Music - What it is & How to use it

What is Cinematic Music? Cinematic music is a type of music that is predominantly used in films. 
It can also be used for YouTube videos, advertising, movie trailers, etc. Before discussing in which fields we can use this and the possible variations, it is essential to get acquainted with its actual meaning and mechanism.

Diegetic Music vs Non-Diegetic Music

Primarily there are two categories of cinematic music in terms of how film music is used: 

  • Diegetic Music 
  • Non-Diegetic Music 

Diegetic music is a piece of music in the film which is originating from a source—a source that is in the movie. Sources may include live musicians, tape recorder, someone singing, etc. Due to this, it is also known as "source music".

Whereas non-diegetic music is inverse of the diegetic music. It is not produced as a result of any source. It is the music in the film which has the most substantial impact on viewers. It is known as music, which is being played in the background. Characters are unaware of it. It is specifically for viewers. To engage them, engulf them according to the situations.  

Both categories have different uses and impacts. Diegetic music is source music. It represents a special meaning related to a specific time or place. Or it can depict the culture or social values of a specific group in the film. This means it will depend on the location, time, or even a strong message.

Whereas non-diegetic music is music that is in the background. Sometimes single background music is played on loop for some of the same type of scenes. It is more connected to the psychology of the viewer. For grasping emotions of viewers. Or connecting them with a character more strongly.

For example, imagine a scene where the character is being attacked by his closest friend. Now without music, this scene will be obsolete. But with a piece of intense background music, it will be more impactful.  

Besides these main categories, cinematic music is enormously efficient in different manners, like music for a better conclusion, bridging different scenes, replacing silence, etc. Let's discuss them in a bit of detail. 

Create Better Conclusions with Cinematic Music

If a film has a crucial concluding scene (or if your movie is ending and you want to give your audience a final message regarding your film), then cinematic music can help a lot. In fact, without music, that would be fruitless. The conclusion is something that needs clarification and elaboration. Which can be possible with a strong connection. Music helps in this matter. And in the ending of a film or related things, music will imprint the real image of your work on viewers. 

Bridging Film Scenes with Music 

If the film has a scene and in mid, there is also a scene coming up which is somehow related to the first scene. Or you can say that the first scene has an unfinished story, which will be continued in the second scene. Then, cinematic music can play its vital role in connecting or, better to say, syncing both scenes properly. So that the viewer can easily judge that this scene is associated with the first one.  

Replace Silence in Movies with Music

Just think that you are watching a movie and there is a scene of some minutes in which you will have the perfect view of the mountains. But it is without any non-diegetic music. How would you feel about that? And if it has a piece of perfect soothing background music, then? I am sure music will replace the tedious and daunting silence with a more connecting thing. Isn't it?

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