Download 15 Second Royalty Free Background Music Clips

Our Music used in YouTube Video

15 Seconds Intro Music

When to use 15 seconds of intro music

You hear 15-second music clips in media everywhere! It´s an excellent choice for vlogs, YouTube ads, podcasts, films, and other types of media content such as Radio & TV. It can serve as the background music for the content you want to depict. 

Music for Social MEdia

With the growth of social media marketing, 15 seconds music is especially important in Stories. Instagram Stories, Snapchat, and even TikTok videos allow you to post 15-second clips, and 15 seconds music can serve as the perfect background sound for the full video. 

Music for advertising and marketing

Are you showing off a product of yours? Let 15 seconds of background music in a video help to increasing your impact.       

Music has the power to bring people together in ways that other things can’t. Music soothes the senses and arouses emotions in all, whether those are good or bad emotions. Adding music to anything automatically gives it a higher retention value. The brain can retain and recall information paired with music a lot better than remember other forms of information. 

The power that music has over people have made marketers, and advertisers realize that they need to include music in their content to speak to their target audience effectively. When it comes to music, one size (or should we say sound) does not fit all. People like different types of music, and the one size do not fit all approach even works when it comes to the length of music used in various content forms.